The Parish Council is the first tier of Local Government and is here to help the village.
We have responsibility for getting the grass cut, keeping the communal trees tidy, providing dog bins (and ensuring that they’re emptied), monitoring and responding to planning applications among many other things.
Seven Councillors serve on the Parish Council and give their time. None collect any form of allowance (although travel costs for meetings outside the Parish are reimbursed).
We normally meet, bi-monthly on the second Tuesday of each month in Rampton Village Hall at 7.30pm. Members of the Public and the Press are invited to attend There will be an opportunity for members of the Public to raise questions with the Parish Council at the start of the meeting.
The dates agreed for meetings in 2025 are:
Date | Time | Type |
14th January | 7.30pm – 9.30pm | Ordinary Meeting |
11th March | 7.30pm – 9.30pm | Ordinary Meeting |
22nd April | 7.30pm – 9.30pm | Annual Village Meeting |
13th May | 7.30pm – 9.30pm | Annual General Meeting |
8th July | 7.30pm – 9.30pm | Ordinary Meeting |
9th September | 7.30pm – 9.30pm | Ordinary Meeting |
11th November | 7.30pm – 9.30pm | Ordinary Meeting |
The Parish Council is made up of Sam Allen, John Garstang, Peter Dunkley, Mark Drew, Martin Markey and Sharon Dence.
The contact details of the new Council are given below. Please make full use of the Councillors and feel free to raise any concerns you have with them. The Parish Council is there to benefit everyone and to help with individual and collective problems villagers face from time to time.
For traceability reasons we have had to deprecate use of group email, please contact the Parish Clerk if you have any queries at:
Please note that we cannot respond to anonymous requests.
Sam Allen | |
Mark Drew | |
John Garstang (Chairman) | |
Peter Dunkley (Vice Chairman) | |
Martin Markey | |
Sharon Dence | |
Moyra Mould | |
Your County and District Councillors are always ready to help, and can be contacted at:
Neil Gough (County Councillor) | |
Annika Osborne (District Councillor) | |
Eileen Wilson (District Councillor) |
We can also be contacted on our Cottenham and Rampton facebook page: