Most planning applications (although there are exceptions) are made to South Cambridgeshire District Council who then have responsibility to ask all interested parties including neighbouring properties, the County Council and the Parish Council for their views on the development.
The Parish Council is, therefore, a consultee. The issues the Parish Council IS able to consider include:
- loss of privacy/impact on residential amenity
- overshadowing/overbearing impact
- highway safety, traffic and parking issues
- noise
- visual amenity/street scene
- wildlife
- historic buildings and conservation
- flooding
- design, and materials
- appearance of the development
- capacity of infrastructure – schools/public transport etc
Issues the Parish Council is NOT able to consider include:
- loss of view
- effect on property values
- private rights
- boundary disputes, and
- construction noise
Planning applications are considered at the next available Parish Council meeting and included on the agenda; links to the appropriate section of the SCDC Planning Portal are also included on the items in this Planning Applications section of the Website (below).
The Parish Council is able to engage with developers of all sizes before an application is submitted to the planning authority (SCDC), particularly as local information can often help the developer form their plans. However, the Parish Council has to be very careful not to pre-determine the outcome of any discussions and has to be mindful of all who may be affected by the proposal (not just the applicant) – whether positively or negatively.
Therefore, the Council is not able to ‘support’ an application until it is submitted to the Planning Authority.
- Awaiting Decision – Planning Application 24/04642/HFULAddress: 2 The Paddock Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8AS Erection of a one and a half storey rear extension. Extension of existing rear roof dormer. Alterations to the fenestration.
- Refused Permission – Planning Application 24/01697/FULAddress: Land To The South Of Church End Rampton Cambridgeshire Change of Use of land from a hay meadow to a secure dog walking field with improved biodiversity
- Withdrawn – Planning Application 24/00802/FULAddress: Rampton Car Breakers, Cuckoo Lane, Rampton, Cambridgeshire Change of use of the existing car breakers yard (personal consent) to a car breakers yard (non-personal consent/free from occupation tie).
- Application Granted – Planning Application 24/02789/FULAddress: Topfield Farm Cow Lane Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8QQ Demolition of 1no. existing dwelling, garage and outbuilding and replacement with 1no. new self-build detached dwelling and garage.
- Awaiting Decision – Planning Application 24/02827/FULAddress: Mill Field Farm 88 King Street Rampton Cambridge CB24 8QD Permanent siting of a mobile home on existing hardstanding
- Application Granted – Planning Application 23/04562/HFULAddress: 22 Church End Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8QA Two storey front extension, first floor side extension, part single part two storey rear extension and alterations to windows and doors.
- Application Permitted – Planning Application 23/00911/S7SAddress Topfield Farm Cow Lane Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8QQ S73 to remove occupancy condition of planning permission S/0843/78/F (alterations and extension to form 2 bedrooms and provision of new garage)
- Prior Approval Not Required – Planning Application 22/04696/PRIORAddress Mill Field Farm 88 King Street Rampton Cambridgeshire Extension of existing agricultural shed
- Permission Given Retrospectively – Planning Application 22/04171/FULAddress 5 High Street Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8QE Demolish a old unused barn – 5 High Street Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8QE
- Withdrawn – Planning Application: 22/01290/S73Address Rampton Car Breakers Cuckoo Lane Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8QH Proposal S73 removal of condition 1 (Use of land) of planning permission S/1369/94/F (Extension of existing car breakers yard/ storage area).
- Application Permitted – Planning Application: 21/04639/HFULAddress: 38 Cow Lane Rampton CB24 8QG Proposal: Two storey rear extension and roof alterations.
- Withdrawn – Planning Application: 21/04061/FULAddress: 15 King Street Rampton CB24 8QD Proposal: Erection of 1no 3bed 1.5 storey dwelling
- Application Permitted – Planning Application: 21/1111/TTCAAddress: 15 The Green Rampton CB24 8QB Proposal: Victoria Plum Tree T1-To fell tree due to age and condition and replace with native species tree
- Application Permitted – Planning Application: 21/03302/OUTAddress: Land At The Back Of 8 The Green Rampton Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 8QB Proposal: Outline planning for the change of use to residential and for the erection of 1 No. dwellinghouse with some matters reserved except for access.