Rampton Skatepark – Can you help ?
Following a meeting between our chosen contractor and users in the village hall a few months back, the skate park design has been modified and drawings prepared for a planning application.
We have raised approximately 10% of the funds required, and are now ready to apply to a number of funding and grant bodies. To achieve the £100K plus target, we need help.
As many grants require equal funding from us, initial requests will be for funds of up to £10K. As we progress larger grants can be accessed. Some applications will fail others may not gain the amount asked for. We may have to make some 10’s of applications to achieve our target,
We have already been successful so can provide a general template for answering grant applications. To progress sufficient applications simultaneously a number of helpers would be ideal.
Would you be willing to contact, fill-in, submit and progress one or two specified funding applications? Please contact Peter Dunkley ()