Address: Rampton Car Breakers, Cuckoo Lane, Rampton, Cambridgeshire Change of use of the existing car breakers yard (personal consent) to a car breakers yard (non-personal consent/free from occupation tie).
Awaiting Decision – Planning Application 24/02789/FUL
Address: Topfield Farm Cow Lane Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8QQ Demolition of 1no. existing dwelling, garage and outbuilding and replacement with 1no. new self-build detached dwelling and garage.
Awaiting Decision – Planning Application 24/02827/FUL
Address: Mill Field Farm 88 King Street Rampton Cambridge CB24 8QD Permanent siting of a mobile home on existing hardstanding
Application Granted – Planning Application 23/04562/HFUL
Address: 22 Church End Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8QA Two storey front extension, first floor side extension, part single part two storey rear extension and alterations to windows and doors.
Application Permitted – Planning Application 23/00911/S7S
Address Topfield Farm Cow Lane Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8QQ S73 to remove occupancy condition of planning permission S/0843/78/F (alterations and extension to form 2 bedrooms and provision of new garage)
Prior Approval Not Required – Planning Application 22/04696/PRIOR
Address Mill Field Farm 88 King Street Rampton Cambridgeshire Extension of existing agricultural shed
Permission Given Retrospectively – Planning Application 22/04171/FUL
Address 5 High Street Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8QE Demolish a old unused barn – 5 High Street Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8QE
Withdrawn – Planning Application: 22/01290/S73
Address Rampton Car Breakers Cuckoo Lane Rampton Cambridgeshire CB24 8QH Proposal S73 removal of condition 1 (Use of land) of planning permission S/1369/94/F (Extension of existing car breakers yard/ storage area).
Application Permitted – Planning Application: 21/04639/HFUL
Address: 38 Cow Lane Rampton CB24 8QG Proposal: Two storey rear extension and roof alterations.
Withdrawn – Planning Application: 21/04061/FUL
Address: 15 King Street Rampton CB24 8QD Proposal: Erection of 1no 3bed 1.5 storey dwelling